Snes9x for android android#
Hopefully this is just a weird caching issue that goes away when we get the Android 8.0 update, but if not this is still the best setup I've found for a number of games.Hi everyone, I'm getting ready to release a port of Snes9x for Android, iOS, and WebOS very soon. With Auto-save State set to Game Exit, all of this takes ~1 second. My fix for this is to exit and relaunch Snes9x EX+ and then re-open the game. It never happens mid-game, only if I've just started it again. I also found that more taxing games that previously ran fine will sometimes stutter badly after coming back to them. Under system options, set Process Priority to High, and set Performance Mode to Sustained. This probably doesn't matter, but it improves audio quality over the default Linear setting.

Under audio options, set DSP interpolation to Sinc. Under video options set Image interpolation to None, set GPU Copy Mode to Graphic Buffer, and set Render Multithreading to On. Here's what I did if you want to try it for yourself: Final Fantasy 5 is running perfectly at 60fps. On a number of games I'm not dropping any frames at all. With Super Mario World, I'm only dropping a frame or two during some (but not all) loading transitions. But yea I have FF6 running virtually flawlessly - one frame drop during the transition into battles, and sometimes a single frame drop once every few minutes. To be fair I'm mostly playing RPGs that aren't likely to be ported to the Switch, so I can't speak for games that make heavy use of Mode 7 or SuperFX. I've been playing around with the settings in Snes9x EX+ and with frame skip off I'm getting 59 to 60fps in every game I've tried. If you're playing more graphically demanding games or games where all the audio is stored at 44.1 KHz, then RetroArch is probably the way to go. At the end of the day, neither solution appears to be the "best" but based on the games I'm interested, the second option works better for me. So for me the choice is between wrong sounding audio + little-to-no framedrops using Snes9x 2002 in RetroArch, or perfect audio + an occasional framedrop using Snes9x EX+. And unfortunately the global DSP interpolation feature in RetroArch doesn't seem to apply to any SNES emulator. It doesn't make games unplayable by any means, but its easily noticeable if you compare a game against a newer emulator that has a DSP interpolation option. During actual playback, these sounds are more shrill and tinny than they should be. Mathematically this results in a stair-steppy looking curve. So the "missing" audio samples are filled in with the previous sample. On older SNES emulators such as the RP2 RetroArch default Snes9x 2002, there is no audio interpolation.

This is why the SNES itself has built-in gaussian interpolation for audio lower than 44.1 KHz. Soundtracks are generally fine, but any sound that is triggered as a result of user interaction often has a lower sample rate. Some (but not all) sounds are stored at a lower sample rate. But not all of the sounds on SNES cartridges are stored at 44.1 KHz. The SNES console outputs sound at 44.1 KHz. The issue that Snes9x EX+ solved me is related to the audio. You'll also want to setup controller configuration as by default the face buttons are not setup like they should be. Chrono Trigger is probably the most famous SNES game meant to be displayed in 4:3. However the vast majority of games are correctly displayed in 8:7. With a small number of games, you'll want to set Aspect Ratio to 4:3 instead of 8:7. The SNES used gaussian interpolation, but the Cubic and Sinc options are more accurate (less distortion) with Sinc being the best choice. Under audio options, set Sound Rate to "44KHz" - it'll default to 48KHz but the SNES itself output at 44KHz. Under video options - set Image Interpolation to "none", set Content Zoom to "integer-only" and NOT "integer-only (Height)", and set Aspect Ratio to "8:7" So here's the settings I used to get "perfect" SNES playback in Snes9x EX+: The reason this is a problem is that the SNES hardware itself featured audio interpolation (gaussian) and without this certain sounds will sound harsh and tinny.
Snes9x for android plus#
This version is missing DSP audio interpolation, which was added in Snes9x 2005 Plus which has framerate studder on RP2.
Snes9x for android for android#
Long story short the SNES cores available within retroarch are not optimized for android playback, which is why it defaults to a very old version (Snes9x 2002).