THndStatusInfoArray - Array of THndStatusInfo.THndStatusInfo - Information about a specific status.THndProjectDateTimeFormat - Date and Time format for a project.THndProjectSettings - Various project settings.THndLibraryItemsCacheInfo - Minimal library item information hold in cache.THndLibraryItemsInfoArray - Array of minimal library item information.THndLibraryItemsInfo - Minimal library item information.hlamInsert: Inserts a node at the same level just before the existing node. hlamAddChildFirst: Adds a child node to the existing node and makes the new node first. hlamAddChild: Adds a child node to the existing node and makes the new node last. hlamAddFirst: Adds a node at the same level as the existing node and makes the new node first. THndLibraryItemAttachMode - Specify how the moved library item will be attached: - hlamAdd: Adds a node at the same level as the existing node and makes the new node last.THndKeywordsInfoArray - Array of minimal keyword information.THndKeywordsInfo - Minimal keyword information.hkamAddChild: Adds a child node to the existing node. THndKeywordsAttachMode - Specify how the moved keyword will be attached: - hkamAdd: Adds a node at the same level as the existing node.THndGeneratorInfo - Information and actions over the current generation.THndHyperlinkInfo - Information about a hyperlink.THndVAlign - Vertical alignment of a picture.THndDictionaryInfoArray - Array of THndDictionaryInfo.THndDictionaryInfo - Information about a specific dictionary.THndBuildActionInstanceInfoArray - List of build action info.THndBuildActionInstanceInfo - Information about a specific build action.

HndTopicsTags - Handle relationship between topics and tags.HndTopicsProperties - Handle relationship between topics and properties.HndTopicsMeta - Access to topics meta data.HndTopicsKeywordsEx - Additional properties and methods to handle relationship between topics and keywords.HndTopicsKeywords - Handle relationship between topics and keywords.HndTopicsEx - Additional properties and methods for Topics.HndTopics - Create, edit and manage topics within the current project.HndTemplatesEx - Additional properties and methods for Templates.HndTemplates - Properties and methods for Templates.HndTags - Properties and methods for Tags.HndStyles - Properties and methods for Styles.HndStatus - Properties and methods for Statuses.HndSecrets - Properties and methods for Secrets.HndProjectsMetaEx - Additional methods to access project meta data.HndProjectsMeta - Access to project meta data.HndProjectsEx - Additional properties and methods for projects.HndProjects - Properties and methods for projects.HndLibraryItemsMeta - Access to library items meta data.HndLibraryItemsCache - Library items cache.HndLibraryItemsEx - Additional properties and methods for library items.HndLibraryItems - Properties and methods for library items.HndKeywordsMeta - Access to topics meta data.HndKeywords - Properties and methods for keywords.HndJsSearchEngine - Methods to manage the JavaScript search engine.HndEditorHelper - Additional methods to manage a topic editor.HndEditor - Create and manage a topic editor.HndDictionaries - Manage dictionaries and live spell check.HndBuildsTagsEx - Additional methods to handle relationship between builds and tags.HndBuildsTags - Handle relationship between builds and tags.HndBuildsStyles - Handle overridden styles for each builds.HndBuildsStatusEx - Additional methods to handle relationship between builds and statuses.HndBuildsStatus - Handle relationship between builds and statuses.HndBuildsMetaEx - Additional methods related to builds meta data.HndBuildsMeta - Access to builds meta data.HndBuildsActions - Handle pre- and post- build actions.HndBuildsEx - Additional properties and methods for Builds.HndBuilds - Properties and methods for Builds.